What is this?
To know more about the idea of this project, please refer to the GitHub page
Quick Start
This small tut, is assuming you just oppened the page, didn't touch any button (press F5 to clear all)
1. Click 2 points at the white canvas
1.1 => You just made a BONE
2. Click the Button ADD+ FRAME (below Timeline)
2.1 => You just added one more KeyFrame to the composition
2.2 => On this new KeyFrame the bone you drawn can assume a new position
3. Click any edge of the Bone, and click again anywhere on the Canvas
3.1 => You have just setted a animation for the bone, very well!
4. Click PLAY >, to animate what you just created!
4.1 => That is a small preview, the possibilities here are huge!
5. To add a image as skin to the bone paste this: exp/marara.png at the field Image Url (under the Bone Panel) and click the ok button
5.1 => You applied a image to the bone, bounded by it's limits. You can add any valid Image Url there.